Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /homepages/13/d467848118/htdocs/templates/cleanout/vertex/responsive/responsive_mobile_menu.php on line 158
We are running on our pool one vAPP appliance with four VMs spread equal on both hosts. I am getting constantly every hour an alert message like below:
Field Value
----- -----
Name: HA-Lizard - vm_state_check
Priority: 3
Class: Pool
Object UUID: fd2c04ad-f6d9-bae2-31ce-d48d1991a34c
Timestamp: 20220919T14:31:26Z
Message UUID: b3b1c545-561f-c20e-7c80-d9f0b56eca66
Pool name: IT1HALIZARD2
Body: vm_state_check: Server IT1XCP-NG-MASTER1: vm_state_check: Some VMs not running 0 1 1 1
However, all VMs are running and have not failed.
How I could get rid of this message?