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New Installation of XCP-NG 8.3 5 months 3 days ago #5271

For testing I have started to install a 2-Node noSAN pool according to existing documentation.

The "halizard_nosan_installer_2.19" installer fails due to missing centos 7 repos. Therefore I have downloaded and subsequently installed the required rpms from public sources until the installer was finishing my setup without important errors.

I know I could have done this completely manually according the manual "iscsi-ha_2-node_cluster_reference_design_2.1_XenServer_7.x_final.pdf" but I was simply checking what would happen as a result.
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  634996 Apr  5  2020 drbd84-utils-9.12.2-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64.rpm
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    8100 Apr  5  2020 drbd84-utils-sysvinit-9.12.2-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64.rpm
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   82256 Aug 22 20:52 ha-lizard-2.3.2-1.rpm
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1107988 Aug 22 20:53 iscsi-ha-2.2.7-1.rpm
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1103204 Aug 22 20:51 iscsi-ha-2.2.7.tgz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  274948 Sep  3 15:01 libibverbs-22.4-6.el7_9.x86_64.rpm
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   65536 Sep  3 14:15 librdmacm-22.4-6.el7_9.x86_64.rpm
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   76060 Sep  4 15:36 perl-Config-General-2.61-1.el7.noarch.rpm
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   52692 Sep  3 15:01 rdma-core-22.4-6.el7_9.x86_64.rpm
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  213168 Sep  3 15:10 scsi-target-utils-1.0.55-4.el7.x86_64.rpm

I had to correct a small bug in "" which is already known since version 2.2.5:
On line 245 you have to replace
             unset $D_STATE
with         unset D_STATE

At the end my HA-Lizard testing pool is now up and running.
However, I have still some problems regarding manual mode handling. I will report them next week here.

BR Andreas
The following user(s) said Thank You: Adamec Michal

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New Installation of XCP-NG 8.3 5 months 2 days ago #5272

Some error messages regarding "Filter":
Sep  6 11:17:28 it1xcp-ng-test-slave1 iscsi-ha-ERROR-/etc/iscsi-ha/init/iscsi-ha.mon: WARNING: Ignoring duplicate config value: filter
Sep  6 11:17:28 it1xcp-ng-test-slave1 iscsi-ha-ERROR-/etc/iscsi-ha/init/iscsi-ha.mon:   /dev/drbd1: open failed: Wrong medium type
Sep  6 11:17:28 it1xcp-ng-test-slave1 iscsi-ha-ERROR-/etc/iscsi-ha/init/iscsi-ha.mon:   WARNING: Not using device /dev/sdb for PV QhidV3-W3AD-eLbF-7CVo-JIr4-8hZb-imwZgy.
Sep  6 11:17:28 it1xcp-ng-test-slave1 iscsi-ha-ERROR-/etc/iscsi-ha/init/iscsi-ha.mon:   WARNING: PV QhidV3-W3AD-eLbF-7CVo-JIr4-8hZb-imwZgy prefers device /dev/sdc because device i                         s used by LV.

In lvm.conf is a second filter which is not in the production pool:
filter = [ "r|/dev/sdb|", "r|/dev/drbd1|" ]
filter = [ "r|/dev/nbd|" ] 

After commenting out the second filter seems to be okay.

Check XAPI error as the index.html page does not contain the checked sample anymore (Citrix|XCP):
HA-Lizard - check_xapi
check_xapi: Pool Host on Server: not responding to HTTP/HTTPS - manual intervention may be required

There has been a number of failed attempts to login to 'IT1HALIZARD-TEST1' within the past hour.
There has been a total of 238 failed login attempts.
The most common attempts originated from the following sources:
- IP address:, Number of attempts: 238, Last attempt on: Sep 6, 2024 11:21 AM, Username: root, User agent: (by

As a quick and dirty workaround I have copied the XCP-NG-index.html file from a production pool and have symlinked to index.html

Maybe it would be a good idea to place a HA-LIzard specifc .html file into the matching directory /opt/xensource/www with the install script?
BR Andreas

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Last edit: by ajmind.

New Installation of XCP-NG 8.3 4 months 4 weeks ago #5273

In xensource.log there is an login error originating from slave mentioned:
Sep 10 10:27:10 it1xcp-ng-test-master1 xapi: [ info||1046492 HTTPS>:::80|session.logout D:f23bef5dcf96|xapi_session] Session.destroy trackid=aadb3c3ec059897a15f3d674baa202d7
Sep 10 10:27:10 it1xcp-ng-test-master1 xapi: [ info||1090944 HTTP>:::80|session.login_with_password D:da83a0354092|xapi_session] failed login attempt #17 by client: <username>root</username>\x0A<useragent> (by</useragent>\x0A<ip></ip>
Sep 10 10:27:10 it1xcp-ng-test-master1 xapi: [error||1090944 :::80|dispatch:session.login_with_password D:5a596e02b462|backtrace] session.login_with_password D:da83a0354092 failed with exception Server_error(SESSION_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED, [ root; Authentication failure ])
Sep 10 10:27:10 it1xcp-ng-test-master1 xapi: [error||1090944 :::80|dispatch:session.login_with_password D:5a596e02b462|backtrace] Raised Server_error(SESSION_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED, [ root; Authentication failure ])
Sep 10 10:27:10 it1xcp-ng-test-master1 xapi: [error||1090944 :::80|dispatch:session.login_with_password D:5a596e02b462|backtrace] 1/6 xapi Raised at file ocaml/xapi/, line 239
Sep 10 10:27:10 it1xcp-ng-test-master1 xapi: [error||1090944 :::80|dispatch:session.login_with_password D:5a596e02b462|backtrace] 2/6 xapi Called from file ocaml/xapi/, line 75
Sep 10 10:27:10 it1xcp-ng-test-master1 xapi: [error||1090944 :::80|dispatch:session.login_with_password D:5a596e02b462|backtrace] 3/6 xapi Called from file ocaml/xapi/, line 94
Sep 10 10:27:10 it1xcp-ng-test-master1 xapi: [error||1090944 :::80|dispatch:session.login_with_password D:5a596e02b462|backtrace] 4/6 xapi Called from file ocaml/libs/xapi-stdext/lib/xapi-stdext-pervasives/, line 24
Sep 10 10:27:10 it1xcp-ng-test-master1 xapi: [error||1090944 :::80|dispatch:session.login_with_password D:5a596e02b462|backtrace] 5/6 xapi Called from file ocaml/libs/xapi-stdext/lib/xapi-stdext-pervasives/, line 39
Sep 10 10:27:10 it1xcp-ng-test-master1 xapi: [error||1090944 :::80|dispatch:session.login_with_password D:5a596e02b462|backtrace] 6/6 xapi Called from file ocaml/libs/log/, line 250
Sep 10 10:27:10 it1xcp-ng-test-master1 xapi: [error||1090944 :::80|dispatch:session.login_with_password D:5a596e02b462|backtrace]
Sep 10 10:27:10 it1xcp-ng-test-master1 xapi: [debug||1088828 HTTPS>:::80|post_root|dummytaskhelper] task dispatch:pool.get_all D:b0edf6560f32 created by task D:81a52f1ff342
Sep 10 10:27:10 it1xcp-ng-test-master1 xapi: [debug||1090962 HTTPS>:::80|post_cli|cli] xe pool-list minimal=true username=root password=(omitted)
Sep 10 10:27:10 it1xcp-ng-test-master1 xapi: [ info||1046492 HTTPS>:::80|session.logout D:32c6a4a5cd0a|xapi_session] Session.destroy trackid=da64309197bdc4448bef34352007bc50
Sep 10 10:27:10 it1xcp-ng-test-master1 xapi: [debug||1088828 HTTPS>:::80|post_root|dummytaskhelper] task dispatch:pool.get_all D:419b1ff77537 created by task D:de8bf920cc36
Sep 10 10:27:10 it1xcp-ng-test-master1 xapi: [debug||1090963 HTTPS>:::80|post_cli|cli] xe pool-param-get uuid=2ea9aea8-afb8-172d-47fa-da38e9190bcf param-name=other-config param-key=XenCenter.CustomFields.ha-lizard-enabled username=root password=(omitted)
Sep 10 10:27:10 it1xcp-ng-test-master1 xapi: [ info||1046492 HTTPS>:::80|session.logout D:48cf59a0e1cd|xapi_session] Session.destroy trackid=9d0b9ecb4e0f7e3d89bedb2561b75c49
Sep 10 10:27:10 it1xcp-ng-test-master1 xapi: [debug||1088828 HTTPS>:::80|post_root|dummytaskhelper] task dispatch:pool.get_all D:15878dc352c0 created by task D:c3d440e01bdd
Sep 10 10:27:10 it1xcp-ng-test-master1 xapi: [debug||1090964 HTTPS>:::80|post_cli|cli] xe host-list hostname=it1xcp-ng-test-slave1 minimal=true username=root password=(omitted)
Sep 10 10:27:10 it1xcp-ng-test-master1 xapi: [ info||1046492 HTTPS>:::80|session.logout D:4c33a3ff8720|xapi_session] Session.destroy trackid=1f03928c28b2fef92593a2208c18d7ac
Sep 10 10:27:10 it1xcp-ng-test-master1 xapi: [debug||1088828 HTTPS>:::80|post_root|dummytaskhelper] task dispatch:pool.get_all D:d0573c315c5d created by task D:a1817921c4fb
Sep 10 10:27:10 it1xcp-ng-test-master1 xapi: [debug||1090965 HTTPS>:::80|post_cli|cli] xe host-param-get uuid=c1f34b07-c4dc-4584-8bc0-a01bcec81c5b param-name=enabled username=root password=(omitted)
Sep 10 10:27:10 it1xcp-ng-test-master1 xapi: [ info||1046492 HTTPS>:::80|session.logout D:da78c6e65c3b|xapi_session] Session.destroy trackid=61f3a1f47ef321c727912ec2c43c22b1
Sep 1

In XCP/XEN Center you are seeing also every hour this alert:
"There has been a number of failed attempts to login to 'IT1HALIZARD-TEST1' within the past hour.","There has been a total of 238 failed login attempts.
The most common attempts originated from the following sources:
- IP address:, Number of attempts: 238, Last attempt on: Sep 11, 2024 11:39 AM, Username: root, User agent: (by
","IT1HALIZARD-TEST1","Sep 11, 2024 11:40 AM",""

I have not yet found the source of this problem.

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Last edit: by ajmind.

New Installation of XCP-NG 8.3 4 months 4 weeks ago #5274

Conclusion of current status:
The pool is running beside the a.m. small problems without any problems.
Migrating VMs, changing storage roles in manual mode, reboot ... is working as expected.

If the needed depending rpms are installed you could run the pool as you like. The XCP-NG 8.3 version has now also replaced the old CentOS repo with a new path. It might be possible to modify the "halizard-no-san-installer" using the "new" CentOS repos now available. (And also the HA-Lizard/iSCSI-HA rpms).

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New Installation of XCP-NG 8.3 3 months 2 days ago #5278


The source of the check_xapi problem is in /etc/ha-lizard/ha-lizard.func in the check_xapi function where it tries to grep the string "Citrix|XCP", but this string does not exist in XCP-ng 8.3 because of XO Lite. If you just change the grep string to "XO Lite" on lines 328 and 335, then it will be fine.

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New Installation of XCP-NG 8.3 3 months 2 days ago #5279

Dear Michal,

thanks for the hint. I had added in the header of the index.html file
<meta name="version" content="XCP NG 8.3" />

But this approach could lead to a problem during an upgrade of XCP NG which would write a new index file.

Except the reported login errors everything now runs fine. I had made a fresh install again were I had amended the CentOS repo sources as you had mentioned in another post. The install went fine so far. Small corrections are necessary, the wrong variable "unset $D_STATE" and the XAPI name check.

BR Andreas

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